By the following public notice the Italian Embassy in Riyadh will call for sponsorship proposals on the occasion of the celebration of the 2018 National Day, which will take place on the evening of April 25th, 2018, at the Residence of H.E. Ambassador Luca Ferrari.
Key features elements of sponsorship proposals: applications may be in the form of financial sponsorships (by supplying financial funds) or technical sponsorships (by direct provision of goods and services) or they may provide both (partly financial and partly technical sponsorships).
Terms & conditions of the sponsorship agreement: The call for sponsorships is aimed at gathering enough resources to help running institutional and promotional activities of the Italian Embassy in Riyadh, along with works and improvements related to the Embassy’s full and optimal functioning (operational expenditure and capital expenditure). The Italian Embassy in Riyadh may allow the presence of more sponsorships.
The relation between the Italian Embassy in Riyadh and the sponsors will be ruled by separate contracts in accordance with the Italian legislation and local rules. The sponsors shall remain liable for local taxes, levies, fees or charges, however denominated, under any Italian or Saudi laws and regulations, arising from the above-mentioned contracts.
Identification of general commitments of the Italian Embassy in Riyadh:
- Platinum Sponsor (from 20,000 SR): the Sponsor’s name will be mentioned in the speech delivered by the Ambassador on the National Day and his/her logo will be printed on the invitation cards and on banners; the Sponsor will enjoy 8 individual invitations for his/her own guests and may project a short promotional video-clip.
- Golden Sponsor (from 12,000 SR): his/her logo will be printed on the invitation cards and on banners; the Sponsor will enjoy 4 individual invitations for his/her own guests.
- Silver Sponsor (from 6,000 SR): his/her logo will be printed on banners; the Sponsor will enjoy 2 individual invitations for his/her own guests.
Sponsor Commitment: The selected Sponsors shall comply to the financial or technical proposals submitted to the Italian Embassy in Riyadh.
Sponsor Requirements:
- Consistency with the public interests of the Italian Embassy in Riyadh;
- Absence of any conflict of interest between the public role and the activities which are the object of sponsorship and advertising;
- Absence of any prejudice or damage to the image of the Italian Embassy in Riyadh or if its initiatives;
- Absence of any litigation with the Italian Embassy in Riyadh and/or the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation;
- Absence of any detrimental or restrictive limitations on the contractual capability.
Entities to whom this public notice is addressed and configuration of sponsorship proposals: public and private organizations, companies and other entities wishing to promote their brands through the cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Riyadh, by contributing to the above-specified goals.
Sponsorship proposals shall mandatorily contain the following elements:
- acceptance of the clauses of this public notice;
- compliance to the general requirements referred to in Article 38 of the Legislative Decree no. 163/2006 and in art. 80 of the Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 for participation in tender procedures issued by the Public Administration;
- no existence of impediments arising from the anti-mafia legislation or from having been submitted to preventive measures;
- no existence of bankruptcy proceedings;
- non affiliation to any political, trade union, philosophical or religious organizations;
- if a legal entity, indication of the legal representative.
Public notice duration and examination of proposals: This public notice will be published until 28.02.2018. The sponsorship proposals will be evaluated by the Italian Embassy in Riyadh. On the basis of received proposals, this Embassy will identify the persons entitled to sign the contracts. Priority shall be given to proposals that bring the highest financial funding and, in case of technical or mixed proposals in direct competition with each other, according to the criterion of the most economically advantageous tender, not excluding a co-existence of all proposals.
The sponsorship proposals shall not be considered binding for the Italian Embassy in Riyadh for the contract formalization. Specifically, the Italian Embassy in Riyadh, in its sole discretion, reserves upon itself the right not to accept any proposal which, according to its format or to the Sponsor’s profile, would be deemed incompatible with the institutional role of the Embassy itself.
Withdrawal clause: The Italian Embassy in Riyadh reserves upon itself the right of withdrawal for reasons of foreign policy, upon simple request, without any condition or limitation, free of any charge except the refund of sums already paid in.
Rules for submission of proposals: Financial and technical proposals shall be sent by e-mail to the following account: Any further information and clarification should be addressed to the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy: tel. +966 (0)11 4881212 (ext. 145 or 121) or by e-mail to:
Processing of personal data: Applicant entities shall give their consent to the processing of personal data for the sole purpose of administrative and accounting records. The “Data Controller/Processor” is the Italian Embassy in Riyadh.